I am Da-Shanda Burton, a Wellness and Movement Educator inviting you to explore ways to experience Wellness with me. What is Wellness? Wellness is vast, beneficial, accessible, and extremely necessary to all who are aware of it’s purpose, embrace it’s practices and reap it’s profits. Wellness has been defined as the state of being in good health, pursuing intentional interactions, choices and actions by practicing nourishing habits on a daily basis to attain better physical, spiritual, and mental health goals to cultivate an optimal state of health and well-being. So what does all of that really mean?
Wellness can actually be categorized into many areas, eight to be exact. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration created the 8 Dimensions of Wellness, which explains that Wellness can be expressed in various ways through the mind, body, and soul connection in the following areas: Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, and Social.
~ 8 Dimensions of Wellness & Questionnaire Practice & Activities ~
Emotional—Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships
Am I able to express my feelings? Ways to Wellness: Positive Outlets, Self Esteem
Environmental—Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
Do I limit the power usage at home? Ways to Wellness: Gardening, Healthy Living Area
Financial—Satisfaction with current and future financial situations
Do I have financial plans for the future? Ways to Wellness: Budget, Pay off Debts
Intellectual—Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
Am I learning new skills? Ways to Wellness: Pick up New Hobbies, Travel
Occupational—Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work
Am I making progress toward my career goals? Ways to Wellness: Work-Life Balance, Positive Space
Physical—Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep
Do I exercise a lot? Ways to Wellness: Sleep, Proper Nutrition
Social—Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
Mind and Body
Hello and Welcome to Wellness.
I am Da-Shanda Burton, a Wellness and Movement Educator inviting you to explore ways to experience Wellness with me. What is Wellness? Wellness is vast, beneficial, accessible, and extremely necessary to all who are aware of it’s purpose, embrace it’s practices and reap it’s profits. Wellness has been defined as the state of being in good health, pursuing intentional interactions, choices and actions by practicing nourishing habits on a daily basis to attain better physical, spiritual, and mental health goals to cultivate an optimal state of health and well-being. So what does all of that really mean?
Wellness can actually be categorized into many areas, eight to be exact. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration created the 8 Dimensions of Wellness, which explains that Wellness can be expressed in various ways through the mind, body, and soul connection in the following areas: Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, and Social.
~ 8 Dimensions of Wellness & Questionnaire Practice & Activities ~
Ways to Wellness: Positive Outlets, Self Esteem
Ways to Wellness: Gardening, Healthy Living Area
Ways to Wellness: Budget, Pay off Debts
Ways to Wellness: Pick up New Hobbies, Travel
Ways to Wellness: Work-Life Balance, Positive Space
Ways to Wellness: Sleep, Proper Nutrition
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